Thursday, October 04, 2007

A Swiftly Melting Planet - New York Times

A Swiftly Melting Planet - New York Times

Is it me, or doesn't it seem that, in spite of Al Gore and Co. raising awareness about global warming, we continue to whistle past the graveyard? So the Arctic ice cap is melting faster than anticipated. Not a shock to me. And I've got plenty of friends and relatives who, in a change from 2-3 years ago, now list global warming as an urgent problem we need to address. Then they hop in their SUV or fail to buy more energy efficient light bulbs or appliances. Or to switch the electricity supplier to a green alternative (I'm able to get my electricity through a "green" ConEd option using wind and water power). They drive their kids to school instead of having them take the bus. They refuse to car pool. They pay little or no attention to the presidential candidates' positions on global warming or energy policy.

Time for us to hold ourselves and each other accountable. Time to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Time to start acting like global warming and our addiction to oil are real problems we need to address now, not just paying lip service to sound like we care.

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