Monday, October 08, 2007

Jimmy Carter's Shamefully Ignorant Statement on Darfur

Jimmy Carter's Shamefully Ignorant Statement on Darfur

Here we go again... Jimmy Carter is tryng to appease some of humanity's worst thugs. Again.

In spite of his reputation as a great humanitarian, Nobel Prize winner and former US President Jimmy Carter has made a second career out of kissing up to the post-Cold War world's worst dictators and genocidal maniacs. During the first round of the North Korea nuclear crisis, Carter undermined then-President Clinton's diplomacy to appease Kim Jong Il and cut a deal that essentially allowed North Korea to continue its nuclear program while receiving considerable US and Japanese economic aid. In Bosnia, Carter broke a US-backed isolation of Serb political leader Radovan Karadzic in another ill-fated effort at appeasement. Many human rights activists with whom I worked in DC during the 90s told me that at least several elections certified as "free and democratic" by Carter had been seriously tainted.

So now, as Eric Reeves so brilliantly points out, Carter is trying to sweep a genocide under the carpet in Darfur. If Marion Jones can be stripped of her five Olympic medals for using steroids, can Carter be stripped of his Nobel Prize for appeasing Sudan's genocidal leaders?

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