Friday, October 09, 2009

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize for not being George W. Bush. Should donate award

I just sent this email to President Obama.  I wonder how many like it he will receive today?  The Nobel committee has tarnished this award a bit today.  It's a shame.

Dear President Obama:
I have been and continue to be a strong supporter of yours. I think that, overall, you have done an admirable job so far, under trying circumstances. As an American, as a teacher, and as a former US diplomat, I am dismayed, however, that you were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this morning. Honestly, you have not earned it and I find the decision patronizing. In essence, you won because you are not George W. Bush.

When I helped lead the "Save Bosnia" campaign in the 1990s, I cam to appreciate the enormous sacrifices grassroots activists make every day in the cause of peace. I urge you, Mr. President, to turn this bizarre decision by the Nobel committee into an opportunity to reward and support a grassroots activist in the United States who is trying to bring peace to his/her community. Given the troubling gang-related violence in your hometown of Chicago, perhaps there is an organization there that could benefit from the attention and resources if you were to donate your award to them. I am sure there are hundreds, if not thousands, of activists and organizers in this country worthy of such an act of humility and compassion.
Thank you for your service. I hope that a year from now we can say that you have truly earned this award.
Best wishes,
Steve Walker

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