Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The issues...

So here is an initial list of the issues that I think are important/critical and in dire need of attention.  Part of my goal in blogging is to come up with a more focused list of priorities and some way of forging my thoughts about them into some kind of coherent vision.  I eagerly welcome comments/feedback on the list and my thinking about it as it evolves.  I started this list as part of an email exchange with a friend, who added to it.

The Issues That Concern or Scare Me Most

  • Exploding federal debt
  • Systemic poverty in the US
  • The growing gap between the rich and everyone else; this includes the stagnation and decline of the middle class
  • Dependence on fossil fuels, especially foreign oil
  • Nuclear proliferation and loose nukes
  • Our inefficient and costly healthcare system (we'll see how well the recent healthcare reform fixes this.  It is at least a first step...)
  • Human/sex trafficking
  • Campaign finance reform
  • The future of the media (Fox News, decline of newspapers, etc.)
  • Climate change
  • Decline of infrastructure
  • Water quality in US
  • Water shortages worldwide
  • Lack of public faith in government/politics
  • Outsourcing of military and intelligence work to contractors (Blackwater, etc.)

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