Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Some things should be sacred

The insane debate over the proposed Mulsim community center and mosque near - not at - Ground Zero in Manhattan is incredibly frustrating and disappointing for me.  I fully understand and, sadly, accept the current state of politics in this country, in which every issue is partisan and where politicians carefully couch their statements in response to the current winds of public opinion or the latest statements of pundits on FOX News or MSNBC.

But some things in this country should be sacred, like freedom of religion.  I know that separation of church and state can be murky, at times, but every American - especially our political leaders - should cast aside partisan agendas when it comes to our core freedoms.  If someone wants to build a mosque, or a church, or a synagogue near Ground Zero, that is their right (provided they meet whatever local zoning and building codes apply).  Period.  Politicians should not try to score political points - or capture votes - by suggesting one religious group should be treated differently than any other.

I also am disturbed by Newt Gingrich - who, in spite of his intelligence is a crass political opportunist primarily concerned with his own political future - suggesting that Islam is the equivalent of the Nazis.  So now Newt - and all too many Americans - would have us condemn all Muslims for the sins of a small number of crazy radicals.  Great.   That really is crazy.

No American who truly cares about the values millions of Americans have fought to defend should allow this line of reasoning to go unchallenged.

I know next to nothing about the group of imam behind the proposed community center and mosque.  But I do know Rabbi David Saperstein, head of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism and and one of the most honorable Americans I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with.  Rabbi Saperstein wrote eloquently and powerfully in support of the proposed community center/mosque.  That's just about the best endorsement you can get.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree-thank you for taking the time to communicate the fact that our constitution overrides the emotion of the moment. Just as it would be unfair to say all Germans are Nazis it is unfair to say all Muslims are terrorists.