Monday, March 27, 2006

UN's idea of "quick" action...

The UN Security Council Friday put an April 24 deadline on the development of options for the UN in Darfur. So now we wait another month, while more people are killed and more women are raped. Another month for UN bureaucrats to "plan" a mission that has been discussed over and over again, a mission that should have been planned and implemented long ago. And once the options are fully developed, the Security Council will take them under consideration and more time will be needed for more diplomacy - diplomacy that so far has failed to secure even Egypt's support for a UN mission in Darfur! Someone needs to explain to me why the Bush Administration cannot get Egypt - which has received well over $50 billion in US aid over the past thirty years! - to support a UN mission to save Muslims from genocide. Wonders never cease to amaze...

Don't get me wrong - the Bush Administration is making some effort to push the UN and possibly NATO toward a more robust intervention than the African Union can muster on its own. But if President Bush really wanted to make this happen, he would bring the full force of U.S. diplomacy to bear. So far, that doesn't seem to be happening.

And so we wait...

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