Saturday, March 25, 2006


After some time away from blogging, I'm going to give it another go. The spark for this new blogging is the ongoing genocide in Darfur, though I will feel free to blog about other subjects as they arise.

When I closed down the DC office - which housed the triple-headed American Committee to Save Bosnia/Action Council for Peace in the Balkans/Balkan Institute operation - in 1998, I built a fairly high wall between me and that experience. My work on Bosnia and the Balkans had become an obsession, and I had been willing to make virtually any sacrifice during those years. I needed some distance and perspective if I was to be able to build a new life and career in New York.

As the Darfur genocide evolved, I kept an emotional distance from it, as well. I did not want to get sucked into another obsessive quest to stop a genocide. Thanks, largely to the passion and interest of my students, however, this is no longer possible. While my time and energy are limited because of my personal and professional obligations, I want to - need to - help address the genocide in Darfur.

I have not decided how best to engage, other than by supporting my students' efforts. I am open to suggestions. I guess my first hope is to find an existing organization that is playing the role the American Committee to Save Bosnia/Action Council did during the Bosnia genocide: to coordinate the awareness-building and lobbying efforts of organizations around the U.S. and to shape the common action agenda for that national campaign. Clearly, there are many organizations involved with the Darfur cause. Someone needs to make sure everyone is singing the same song, in the same key. Otherwise, it sounds like noise and nothing significant will be accomplished. But if that kind of coordination is provided, much is possible. Is there a single organization playing that role?

I would love to hear from anyone who can provide some insights as to which organizations are playing which roles so far, that would be great. I know there is a rally planned by some for the end of April - I am hoping to bring some students!

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