Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Just a few political musings...

... When is Mike Huckabee going to finally be dismissed as a radical religious candidate? He promises evangelicals that, if he gets nominated, they will run the GOP. So we can assume, I suppose, that if he is elected president they will run the country, too, right? I'm not sure I've been this shocked about something a politician said. And then he told another group that e supports amending the Constitution to bring it in line with the word of God. Specifically, he was talking about banning abortion and gay marriage, but the general idea is even more disturbing. So much for separation of church and state, huh? Can you imagine if Romney told Mormons they'd run the GOP if he got nominated? Or if Obama told blacks they'd run the Democratic Party if he got nominated? Candidacy over. But Huckabee gets a pass?

... As my friend Martin has noted, Bill Clinton is shaming the presidency by acting like a political hack and hatchet man for his wife during this campaign. Can anyone remember a former president getting involved even in a dignified way in any campaign? Even Pappy Bush played it cool in 2000 - though, maybe, it was because he new his son was not the best candidate... But Bill is out of control.

... Given the economy's troubles, "It's the economy, stupid!" could become the mantra of this campaign, as in '92. Unless something terrible happens - God forbid - on the war or terror front, the economy is likely to be one of the two dominant themes of the campaign and perhaps the one that determines the outcome. If so, the candidate who demonstrates the most empathy with the suffering and fears of the middle class will win in November. Too much to ask for empathy with the working poor, right?

... Obama needs to keep his message positive and inspire people. That's what makes him different from Hillary. Too easy to get pulled into a brawl over records and mud-slinging, as he found out last week.

... Other than a local NPR story on voting machines in NJ and NY, has the media taken a close look at how prepared each state is to insure fair and honest voting procedures this year? Lots of money has been spent since the 2000 debacle, but from what I have read over the last couple of years, it seems like there's lots of potential for more problems this year.

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